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Global UX Compensation database reaches a new milestone—1,500 entries & counting! 🤑

Gift of the baby girl from the classic Funny or Die video The Landlord from 2007. She is at the front door of Will Ferril's apartment demanding rent. "I want my money!" she screams.

I'm delighted to announce that the Global UX Compensation Database has reached a new milestone of 1,500 entries (as of mid-August 2023)!

What is this the Global UX Compensation Database?

Originally launched in September 2021, the goal of this project is to provide a dataset that empowers UX professionals to successfully negotiate for fair compensation in the negotiation process. It contains crowdsourced, anonymous entries from people across the globe, for roles in research, design, operations, content, management, and other UX specialties.

A big thank you to everyone who has contributed so far! You are making a difference by sharing useful information that helps your peers negotiate and advocate successfully for the value they provide to organizations.

Contribute your data!

Anyone in UX is welcome to contribute data for their current position, or recent positions from within the past 6 months, to improve this knowledge base. Hiring managers and others with access to information for multiple roles are encouraged to submit additional information.

Please note that compromises have been made with regard to the survey questions that may not reflect a more polished approach. Data may be inconsistent or missing for entries collected for previous versions of the survey.

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